Lesson 2
topic for this special interactive lesson is the story
of the boy Jesus in the temple and how it applies to
us today.
Explore this lesson's six modules:
- Meditate on the Bible verses
about this topic.
- Examine in detail a work of art inspired by
these scriptures.
- Respond to the
artist's commentary with THINK-SHEET
- Extend the lesson with hymns,
prayers, puzzles, and other art resources.
- Take a quick quiz.
- Tour the gallery-store and see
greeting cards, prints, books and other
amazing art items for sale.
Click on what you want to see in the order you want to
see it.
The Art and
the Bible lessons can easily be
presented as an
in-person group study. Here is a
suggested lesson plan
- Present the
lesson puzzle as a
warm-up activity
- Read the
Bible selection
- Thoughts/observations/comments
- Look at the
work of art
- Read the
descriptive points and
discuss the image and
its bearing on the
- Read the
Artist's Thoughts
- Fill in the
- Final
- End with the
lessons are entirely FREE;
however, if you wish to
make a donation to help
support this website,
please CLICK
Copyright, James Bennett 2021
Amazing Grace 2011 Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0